Have you thought about riding PRT but feel hesitant to do so? Consider joining our Travel Training program. You’ll be an expert on riding the bus in no time. Below are answers to commonly asked questions. For more information or to join the program, please contact us.
Travel Training
What do Travel Trainers do?
- Can ride with you on the bus.
- Are flexible and work with YOUR schedule.
- Are experienced with PRT’s bus system.
- Ensure training is fun, easy, and comfortable.
- Show and explain how to read schedules.
Who is eligible for Travel Training?
Training is available for anyone who wants to ride PRT’s fixed route or Paratransit system in the Pocatello and Chubbuck area.
What are the benefits of Travel Training?
- No more relying on family, friends and neighbors for rides.
- Freedom to go where and when you want.
- Increase confidence and independence.
- Less expense than a taxi or Paratransit.
What will I learn with Travel Training?
- How to get to and from the bus stop.
- Reading maps and route schedules.
- Landmark identification.
- Safe travel in the community.
- Independent travel to places that I want or need to go.
Where can I go?
- Work
- Senior Centers
- Shopping
- Doctor Appointments
- Friends and Family
- Recreational Events
- Anywhere you want to go!
How do I join the Travel Training program?
We look forward to working with you! To join the Travel Training program, please contact us.
Looking for a presentation or training seminar?
We would be happy to come talk with you and your patrons about Travel Training and riding PRT. To schedule a presentation, please contact us.
Interested in becoming a Travel Trainer?
We are always looking for individuals to help with our Travel Training program. For more information, please contact us.